Monday, July 11, 2011


Tried to find some sick travel poemsAbout romantic instincts
So I could look educated and sophisticated
Alas, I fail

I have returned to home after a week of a 'sort of' holiday in Johor Ba
hru and Singapore. It was triggered by my cousin's wedding - they traveled from JB to Kuala Lumpur for the wedding, and naturally, they'd have to go back right? The whole family have to go back.. Then TING TING TING: "What if I just followed your car back to JB and then go Singpore for fun?"



Of course it's not just a spontaneous trip - I don't know how many times they've actually told me to just tumpang their car back to JB so I don't need to stuck in my own home a
nd do nothing and be a lazy bum. I think they asked me so many times they actually gave up asking. This time, I actually initiated the whole thing, I asked them to fetch me for a change.

I think my cousin's OS is probably like 'wtfwhoareyouandwhathaveyoudonetograce???????/////'.

I confess to my dear readers (probably none of you), that it was a very sudden plan I
had, to just go see someone I really want to meet for the past few months.


Actually I was possibly quite half-hearted about the whole thing. More like 50/50. I thought it was too far and it felt like a lot of hustle.. But the plan carried on! I just went with them!

At some point of my life I actually kept asking myself "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GRACE? ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT THIS?" and another part was like "YOU ONLY FUCKING LIVE ONCE, DO MORE CRAZY THINGS SO YOU DON'T REGRET!". Knowing me, I probably liked the 2nd more, and I reached JB on Sunday afternoon... Feeling a bit surreal and all that.

JB is A LOT more modern than I expected. I kept imagining it was full of old looking houses, old government building, really small roads, and crap loads of motorcycles. You would if the other city state area you've went to was Penang and Negeri Sembilan. (Please don't get me started on how much I dislike Negeri Sembilan...) Now I felt a bit more positive about my coming week.

And no, I don't have a valid passport anymore, and my uncle told me there's a Pejabat Imigresen (Immigration Department) nearby, so I can get my passport done quite quickly. My uncle was actually worried how I'd get my passport done since I didn't bring my birth certificate. And as usual, Google was my bff and a simple search could wash off any concern. But of course their generation never buy technology - we shall see.

It wasn't a long Sunday, but I've been sleeping so less the past few days, I actually woke up a bit late (9am ish) on Monday. Now, Malaysian government doesn't work sufficiently quick enough for me to not worry that I won't get my passport done within Monday, I kinda just shy/embarassed/slacked on the living room couch, playing my iPod, and watch the morning slipped away. At noon, I finally decided I should do something about it - because I need
to get my passport done ASAP, yet I have no freaking idea how to go to the Department. I asked my uncle whether he could bring me to the Immigration Department. All he says was.. "Just wait 'till your aunt is back and she'll fetch you there."

The clock is ticking, it was almost 1pm. My aunt came home a bit before 2pm, and drove me to the Department, reaching at 2pm.

I ran to the registration counter, and I asked the officer "Ada nombor lagi?". And the nice officer said "Nombor sudah habis."

KABOOMDUMDADAM LIGHTNING BOLT. I'm not getting my passport today.

*sits on the ground drawing circles*

It's my fault of course, for not waking up earlier, or asking earlier, when I know that my uncle wouldn't really refuse helping me. ._. I still couldn't shake the stupidass feeling at how I wasted a whole day with no progressive movements towards my conquer in Singapore. :@:@:@:@

So as a counter defensive measure, I slept earlier and woke up at 6am, so I can't miss a chance to go to the Department. It worked - my uncle brought me and I haz my nombor - in the end I did all the procedure, the officer told me to come back around 11.45am to pick up my passport. The best of all was that I didn't need my birth certificate.



Teehee. :3

After that, my uncle brought me to City Square to spend some time! The way to City Square was nice, because I get to see the sea, which actually made my day, because the sea is my mum and I love the ocean.

First impression ---- "...But this looks like office building...". I wasn't entirely wrong - it is half office building, half shopping mall. However the mall itself wasn't that impressive (if you live in KL :x), and we went back the to the Department on time.

Then I realised, I'm supposed to reach earlier and put my passport receipt on the passport issuing counter, so they'd hand out the new passports as people come.

All I thought was "fail............" because I've been sitting on the chair for 15 minutes yet my number has not been called (0097). It doesn't help when your uncle went away dumping yours truly at the office and go eat lunch (when you're just as hungry).

But after all the hustle - I got it! My fresh little red book! I can LEGALLY GO INTO SINGAPORE NOW AND I WILL BE A FOREIGNER IN SINGAPORE. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!

(Not really la but I like to feel special :3...)

Now I have reached a road block - who's going to bring me to go Singapore.


Lucky I have a very very nice cousin-sister-in-law (which I've already treated her as my real sister for ages), and she was like...

"Ummm..." *thinks*
"Errrr.." *puts her finger on her chin*
"If no one brings you, how about you follow me when I go back on Wednesday?"

100000000000000000000 times happy and thank you thank you to my favourite cousin sister-in-law ever!!!

One thing though...

"But you have to wake up early, because we go out like 5am something."

I went to bed at 10pm, determined to not miss the chance.

I woke up at 4am in the morning, showered, and ready before 5.

And then it will be the start of a fine fine day. :3

*Leaves this to next post*
