Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pregnant with Harry

[edited out the irreverent for reading convience]

[02:01:25] * evlyra`work has joined #mugglenet
[02:01:27] |harry-jamies-potter| ginny: umm harry I have 1,000 babies in me
[02:01:43] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:01:43] |evlyra`work| ah harry!
[02:01:48] * evlyra`work smiles
[02:01:51] |harry-jamies-potter| hi evlyra I been busy
[02:02:16] |harry-jamies-potter| got ginny preggers 1000 time
[02:02:19] |harry-jamies-potter| times
[02:02:19] |evlyra`work| i'm ginny ;]
[02:02:22] |harry-jamies-potter| oh 
[02:02:39] |harry-jamies-potter| yikes
[02:02:41] |harry-jamies-potter| accio pickles
[02:02:55] * harry-james-potter gives evlyra some pickles might need to eat these nonstop
[02:02:59] |evlyra`work| harry harry harry look ilke harry III today :]
[02:03:06] |harry-jamies-potter| :)
[02:03:09] * harry-james-potter hugs ginny
[02:03:13] |harry-jamies-potter| oh love
[02:03:28] |jax| what a good husband you have, grace
[02:03:30] |evlyra`work| he's so cute
[02:03:34] |evlyra`work| look he's smiling x)
[02:03:36] |jax| does he know you've underage?
[02:03:37] |evlyra`work| i know caroline
[02:03:40] |jax| you're**
[02:03:42] |evlyra`work| and i'm ginny!
[02:03:45] |evlyra`work| i'm 18
[02:03:47] |jax| ohright.
[02:03:48] * evlyra`work smiles
[02:03:49] |jax| ginny
[02:03:54] |jax| "18"
[02:03:56] |evlyra`work| yeah jax?
[02:04:00] |jax| hiii
[02:04:01] |evlyra`work| uhm ^_^
[02:04:04] |jax| hows the pregnancy
[02:04:05] |evlyra`work| hello :D
[02:04:08] |jax| is it good?
[02:04:10] |evlyra`work| aw ti's going fine..
[02:04:13] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:04:18] |jax| can i shake the baby?
[02:04:18] |evlyra`work| he keeps kicking me tho :|
[02:04:19] |jax| please?
[02:04:22] |evlyra`work| no you can't
[02:04:25] * harry-james-potter kisses elvyra forehead
[02:04:28] |jax| damn it all.
[02:04:28] |harry-jamies-potter| mwah!
[02:04:37] |harry-jamies-potter| my scar needs kissing
[02:04:40] * evlyra`work smiles lovingly at harry
[02:04:53] |evlyra`work| jax my husband why probably stun you if you do shake my baby
[02:04:55] |evlyra`work| =(
[02:05:03] |jax| :(
[02:05:14] |jax| didnt know he was the stunning type
[02:05:27] * harry-james-potter smiles lovingly back
[02:05:37] |harry-jamies-potter| oh love that feels good
[02:05:41] |harry-jamies-potter| :******************8
[02:05:42] * evlyra`work cuddles harry
[02:05:43] |jax| o.o
[02:05:46] |jax| wtf?
[02:05:47] * harry-james-potter cuddles back
[02:05:49] |evlyra`work| i loev you do much <3
[02:05:54] |harry-jamies-potter| I love you too
[02:06:05] |harry-jamies-potter| when I catch the snitch I think of you
[02:06:07] |harry-jamies-potter| :************
[02:06:10] |jax| please no making babies in main
[02:06:25] |harry-jamies-potter| oh evlyra are you preggers 
[02:06:26] |harry-jamies-potter| is it true
[02:06:41] |evlyra`work| i like it when you're hard and amazing harry ;)
[02:06:42] |jax| "catching" the "snitch"
[02:06:48] |harry-jamies-potter| :)  me too.
[02:06:50] |harry-jamies-potter| ;)
[02:06:53] |evlyra`work| ::catches::
[02:06:56] * ALEX is now known as ginnypotter
[02:06:56] |evlyra`work| ahh i miss quidditch
[02:07:02] |ginnypotter| WHAT ARE YOU DOING HARRY
[02:07:03] |harry-jamies-potter| ahh me too
[02:07:05] |harry-jamies-potter| ginny
[02:07:05] |ginnypotter| ._.
[02:07:08] |jax| there's room for 3
[02:07:09] |evlyra`work| harry.. ._.
[02:07:09] |ginnypotter| I THOUGHT I MEANT SOMETHING TO YOU
[02:07:13] |evlyra`work| there's another ginny ._.
[02:07:16] |harry-jamies-potter| evlyra
[02:07:16] |ginnypotter| ._>
[02:07:17] |evlyra`work| oh gosh harry
[02:07:20] * evlyra`work hides behind harry
[02:07:27] |evlyra`work| no :(
[02:07:31] |harry-jamies-potter| ginny evlyra had more to offer!
[02:07:36] * harry-james-potter kisses evlyra
[02:07:37] |jax| it's okay guys
[02:07:38] |harry-jamies-potter| :******
[02:07:39] |jax| he's mormon
[02:07:44] * evlyra`work kisses harry back
[02:07:47] |evlyra`work| :*********************8
[02:07:50] |harry-jamies-potter| :*******************
[02:07:59] |harry-jamies-potter| oh evlyra 
[02:08:06] |evlyra`work| i gotta say you're the most amazing person i know harry
[02:08:09] |evlyra`work| mmm?
[02:08:19] |harry-jamies-potter| sinceI am a quidditch captain I know the password to the prefects bathroom
[02:08:25] |harry-jamies-potter| not a bad place to take a bath
[02:08:33] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:08:35] |harry-jamies-potter| :**************
[02:08:44] |ginnypotter| :(
[02:08:44] |ginnypotter| what
[02:08:48] |ginnypotter| why.....................
[02:08:53] |ginnypotter| ._.
[02:08:54] |ginnypotter| why
[02:08:57] |ginnypotter| I had your babies
[02:09:00] |ginnypotter| I._.
[02:09:04] |ginnypotter| I breastfed baby paras
[02:09:09] |evlyra`work| oh
[02:09:13] |evlyra`work| nawty harry ;x
[02:09:26] |harry-jamies-potter| evlyra let's have babyes
[02:09:35] |evlyra`work| ok harry
[02:09:36] |harry-jamies-potter| :*******
[02:09:37] |evlyra`work| in the shower?
[02:09:44] |ginnypotter| what ???
[02:09:45] |ginnypotter| whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
[02:09:45] |evlyra`work| let's get peach bath bombs ;D
[02:09:47] |ginnypotter| ._.
[02:09:48] |harry-jamies-potter| in the prefects bathroom of course
[02:09:50] |ginnypotter| harry we're over
[02:09:51] |ginnypotter| ok
[02:09:52] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh 
[02:10:05] |harry-jamies-potter| the password is love
[02:10:07] |harry-jamies-potter| :D
[02:10:10] |evlyra`work| do they have unstopping bubbles?
[02:10:13] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh
[02:10:15] |evlyra`work| all you need is loev <3<3<3
[02:10:18] |evlyra`work| and sex sometimes x)
[02:10:18] |harry-jamies-potter| and a jauzzi
[02:10:29] |harry-jamies-potter| I made a request to mcgongall 
[02:10:34] |evlyra`work| oh that sounds like we're gonna have a better time than ginnypotter  ;)
[02:10:35] |harry-jamies-potter| wait a minute got an idea.....
[02:10:37] |evlyra`work| :o
[02:10:40] |jax| love + jacuzzi = sex?
[02:10:43] |harry-jamies-potter| the room of requirement
[02:10:43] |evlyra`work| what idea, hunbums?
[02:10:44] |jax| am i getting this math right?
[02:10:49] |evlyra`work| Uhmmm nawty ;)
[02:10:51] |harry-jamies-potter| we will have everything we need in there
[02:10:54] |harry-jamies-potter| :*************
[02:10:59] |jax| toys?
[02:11:00] |harry-jamies-potter| let's go
[02:11:04] |jax| man, this is racy
[02:11:14] * evlyra`work holds harry's hand
[02:11:19] |harry-jamies-potter| we need    a bed sofa jacuzzi hottub
[02:11:40] |ginnypotter| :(
[02:11:41] |evlyra`work| i need a harry in me :>
[02:11:41] |harry-jamies-potter| think the same thing
[02:12:09] * harry-james-potter walks in and see the room of requirement in a very romatic atmosphere
[02:12:13] |harry-jamies-potter| oh wow
[02:12:26] |harry-jamies-potter| it is like hogwarts has their own private love room
[02:12:28] |ginnypotter| NO ONE LOVES YOU
[02:12:30] |ginnypotter| OK
[02:12:32] |ginnypotter| NO ONE.
[02:12:34] |ginnypotter| I'M ALL YOU HAD
[02:12:36] |ginnypotter| YOU'RE DONE FOR
[02:12:38] |evlyra`work| it's so pink x3
[02:12:40] * harry-james-potter smiles at evlyra
[02:12:42] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh 
[02:12:45] |evlyra`work| go away ginny
[02:12:45] |evlyra`work| you're such a troll
[02:12:48] |ginnypotter| BREASTFEED YOUR PARAS
[02:12:50] |ginnypotter| ._.
[02:12:52] |ginnypotter| what!?!?!?
[02:12:53] |jax| o.0
[02:12:57] |jax| i shook paras baby
[02:12:58] |jax| he died.
[02:13:01] |evlyra`work| you come in no place between us ginny
[02:13:03] |ginnypotter| :(
[02:13:06] |evlyra`work| paras's baby was so cute
[02:13:07] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh 
[02:13:14] |harry-jamies-potter| now to shut the doors on ginny
[02:13:17] |evlyra`work| he turned out like milkshake
[02:13:17] |evlyra`work| x)
[02:13:20] |harry-jamies-potter| goodbye ginny
[02:13:24] |ginnypotter| :(
[02:13:25] |ginnypotter| what
[02:13:28] |ginnypotter| no....
[02:13:28] |evlyra`work| see you ginnypotter 
[02:13:30] * harry-james-potter shuts the rooms door on ginny
[02:13:30] |ginnypotter| no.
[02:13:32] |jax| o.0
[02:13:34] |jax| 0.o
[02:13:35] |ginnypotter| NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[02:13:38] |jax| they sexing
[02:13:40] |jax| i know it
[02:13:45] |jax| poor ginny
[02:13:46] |harry-jamies-potter| let's get in the jacuzzi
[02:13:58] |harry-jamies-potter| gets into his gryffindor speedo
[02:14:05] |ginnypotter| I made that for you
[02:14:09] |harry-jamies-potter| we can make ginny really mad
[02:14:35] |ginnypotter| I'll never forget this..
[02:14:37] |ginnypotter| never !!!!!!
[02:14:39] |harry-jamies-potter| I magic a video camera so she can see what is happening indoors by a magic window outdoors
[02:14:41] * evlyra`work puts on her black night gown
[02:14:44] |evlyra`work| see-through ;)
[02:14:48] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh
[02:14:55] |evlyra`work| laced ;3
[02:15:02] |ginnypotter| ginny magics a blindfold
[02:15:03] |ginnypotter| :)
[02:15:05] * harry-james-potter puts on her gryffindor gown
[02:15:07] |evlyra`work| oh harry
[02:15:13] |harry-jamies-potter| oh evlyra
[02:15:16] |evlyra`work| lemme go and make myself busy
[02:15:21] * harry-james-potter gets in the bed
[02:15:23] |evlyra`work| then i'll meet youo down stairs
[02:15:23] |harry-jamies-potter| okay
[02:15:23] |evlyra`work| ok?
[02:15:26] |evlyra`work| :)
[02:15:29] |harry-jamies-potter| :D
[02:15:38] * evlyra`work cuddles harry and kisses his cheeks
[02:15:49] * harry-james-potter cuddles evlyra
[02:15:54] |harry-jamies-potter| oh wow
[02:16:04] * harry-james-potter gets into his gryffindor pj's
[02:16:13] * evlyra`work bumps his butt and winks
[02:16:13] |evlyra`work| bye|
[02:16:19] |harry-jamies-potter| bye`
[02:16:25] |harry-jamies-potter| I will miss you
[02:16:58] |harry-jamies-potter| oh I am the chosen one... chosen for you evlyra
[02:17:01] |evlyra`work| i'm just so sexy <3
[02:17:05] |evlyra`work| aw
[02:17:08] |evlyra`work| harry..
[02:17:12] |harry-jamies-potter| evlyra
[02:17:14] |evlyra`work| *le sigh*
[02:17:20] |harry-jamies-potter| sigh
[02:17:34] |harry-jamies-potter| I love you 
[02:17:49] |harry-jamies-potter| I wonder if ginnypotter is watching us
[02:17:54] * harry-james-potter kisses your forehead
[02:17:58] |harry-jamies-potter| you are my chosen one
[02:18:05] |harry-jamies-potter| :*****
[02:18:06] * Samurai vomits on harry-james-potter
[02:19:08] |harry-jamies-potter| evlyra there is a spell to keep her bound on the mirror and watch it.  she can't even close her eyes
[02:19:27] * harry-james-potter performs the non-verbal spell on ginnypotter
[02:19:35] |harry-jamies-potter| now she has to watch us.. no choice
[02:20:01] |Samurai| mods dead, or what?
[02:20:11] |harry-jamies-potter| accio pillows and rests his head on elvyra`work
[02:20:11] |evlyra`work| i dont want people to watch me harry dear
[02:20:18] |evlyra`work| i'im the only one for you
[02:20:19] |evlyra`work| ;)
[02:20:19] |harry-jamies-potter| oh okay 
[02:20:21] |harry-jamies-potter| ;)
[02:20:29] |harry-jamies-potter| :*******
[02:20:32] |Ace| grace
[02:20:34] |Ace| thats sick.
[02:20:35] |Ace| lol.
[02:20:35] |evlyra`work| but if you like it, i have nothing to say ;)
[02:20:36] |evlyra`work| you're my chosen one <3
[02:20:41] |harry-jamies-potter| :D
[02:20:42] |evlyra`work| SHHHH
[02:20:42] |Ace| lmfao.
[02:20:51] |evlyra`work| [GO AWAY]
[02:20:53] |harry-jamies-potter| want to go for a bath
[02:20:57] |evlyra`work| [IM HAVING FUN]
[02:20:59] |evlyra`work| mmmmm
[02:21:00] |harry-jamies-potter| or a jacuzzi
[02:21:03] |evlyra`work| ok
[02:21:07] |evlyra`work| take me
[02:21:09] |evlyra`work| take me there harry
[02:21:14] |evlyra`work| to the best place you want to be with me
[02:21:24] * harry-james-potter magics you to a gryffindor bikini
[02:21:30] |evlyra`work| :o
[02:21:37] * harry-james-potter magics me to a gryffindor speedo and gets out of bed
[02:21:52] |evlyra`work| wow!
[02:21:58] * harry-james-potter picks you up and puts her in the jacuzzi
[02:22:01] |ginnypotter| :(
[02:22:05] * harry-james-potter turns on the bubbles by magic
[02:22:22] |harry-jamies-potter| accio ice cream
[02:22:28] |harry-jamies-potter| accio fudge
[02:22:34] * harry-james-potter pours the fudge on himself
[02:22:58] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:23:48] |evlyra`work| harry
[02:24:00] * evlyra`work puts her hands around harryyou wanna go now? ;)
[02:24:04] |evlyra`work| i cant wait
[02:24:12] |evlyra`work| =3
[02:24:29] |evlyra`work| harry? :(
[02:24:32] |harry-jamies-potter| yeh 
[02:24:38] * evlyra`work yawn
[02:24:40] |harry-jamies-potter| the fudge is on me
[02:24:41] |evlyra`work| oh ;)
[02:24:48] |evlyra`work| bring me to the  best place :)
[02:25:00] |harry-jamies-potter| everytime I think of fudge I think of the minister of magic
[02:25:01] |harry-jamies-potter| get it off
[02:25:15] |harry-jamies-potter| oh evlyra
[02:25:15] |evlyra`work| eh?
[02:25:16] |harry-jamies-potter| :*********
[02:26:18] |harry-jamies-potter| get the fudge off
[02:26:23] * harry-james-potter licks his hands
[02:26:31] |harry-jamies-potter| it is off help me
[02:26:50] * evlyra`work licks his hands
[02:27:03] |harry-jamies-potter| oh that feels good
[02:27:07] |harry-jamies-potter| :) 
[02:27:11] |harry-jamies-potter| got some on my face
[02:27:26] * evlyra`work smudges it all oevr yuor face
[02:27:27] |evlyra`work| :P
[02:27:45] * harry-james-potter licks it off
[02:28:11] |harry-jamies-potter| yummers fudge taste good
[02:28:18] |harry-jamies-potter| kreacher: get the smores!!!
[02:28:27] |harry-jamies-potter| kreacher: must do what master says
[02:28:43] |harry-jamies-potter| decorates himself like the wizarding smort
[02:28:44] |harry-jamies-potter| smore
[02:28:59] |harry-jamies-potter| covered in graham marshmellow and chocolate sauce
[02:29:05] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:29:39] |evlyra`work| aw harry
[02:29:45] |evlyra`work| why do you get yourself so dirty 
[02:29:50] |harry-jamies-potter| for you 
[02:29:54] |evlyra`work| you made me dirty as well
[02:29:59] * evlyra`work points her belly 
[02:29:59] |evlyra`work| :(
[02:30:27] |harry-jamies-potter| kreacher gillyweed
[02:30:41] |harry-jamies-potter| kreacher: gives evlyra and harry gillyweed
[02:30:45] * harry-james-potter eats his
[02:31:13] * evlyra`work chews hers
[02:31:23] |evlyra`work| this tastes dreadful harry :(
[02:31:28] * harry-james-potter goes underwater
[02:31:34] |harry-jamies-potter| trust me evlyra.
[02:31:36] * evlyra`work follows
[02:31:46] |evlyra`work| lucky i got this bikini harry 
[02:31:47] |evlyra`work| :)
[02:31:51] |harry-jamies-potter| ;)
[02:31:55] |evlyra`work| lmao
[02:32:07] |evlyra`work| er
[02:32:14] |evlyra`work| *how do i talk in water harry?*
[02:32:29] |harry-jamies-potter| never figured that out in the movies
[02:32:54] |evlyra`work| There's this bubble thing on fleur
[02:33:08] |evlyra`work| where are we going big man
[02:33:36] |harry-jamies-potter| well we can swim around to the tub
[02:33:48] |evlyra`work| just swim? :P
[02:33:52] |harry-jamies-potter| there is a link from the jacuzzi to the tub
[02:33:52] |harry-jamies-potter| yep
[02:33:58] |ginnypotter| POPS EVLYRAS BUBBLE
[02:34:02] |ginnypotter| MAKES HER SUFFOCATE
[02:34:10] |ginnypotter| EVLYRA DROWNS
[02:34:12] |ginnypotter| THE END
[02:34:13] |harry-jamies-potter| but it only last for 1 hour
[02:34:18] |evlyra`work| harry wont let me ginnypotter 
[02:34:25] |jax| god ending
[02:34:26] |ginnypotter| no sorry you drowned
[02:34:27] * Jax applauds
[02:34:29] |harry-jamies-potter| be ginnypotter`
[02:34:31] |jax| night time.
[02:34:35] * Jax is now known as sleepchatting
[02:34:37] |evlyra`work| i'm still here o.o
[02:34:41] |harry-jamies-potter| oh 
[02:34:53] * harry-james-potter holds your hand and helps you
[02:35:00] |harry-jamies-potter| I got enough gillyweed here
[02:35:23] * evlyra`work holds harry toghtly
[02:35:33] |evlyra`work| thanks 
[02:35:37] * harry-james-potter holds evlyra tight
[02:35:38] * evlyra`work smiles
[02:35:41] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:35:47] * harry-james-potter smiles
[02:36:45] * evlyra`work shy
[02:36:51] |evlyra`work| right i'm done harry
[02:36:52] |evlyra`work| it got boring
[02:36:53] |evlyra`work| <-
[02:36:58] |evlyra`work| got some phone calls to make

-will be updated-
Next: Pregnant.

*Thanks Ace for the logs*

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