I couldn't emphasise more how much I should put an effort on blogging. I don't know if that's all I want to do, but if I want to remember some of my life, this is definitely the good way.
Even no one bothers anyway, it doesn't really bother me.
I'm talking about Friday anyways. It started out with the usual stunt: facebook, mail, twitter, msn, irc. And then I caught up with this Taiwanese website playing MAHJONG. I miss mahjong. But I lost the link... :P
I was determined to watch THE MOVIE I'VE BEEN TALKING ALL MONTH - The Time Traveler's Wife. (Please skip until the next asterik sign if you don't want no spoilers, yawg.)
Based on the novel of the same name by Audrey Neiaiosdaoiehger:

Movie poster:

Starring the ever lovable Rachel McAdams (SHE HAS RED HAIR IN THE MOVIE :D :D :D) and the man I found so irresistible since The Other Boleyn girl - Eric Bana.

There's something about this man. The look of his eyes, his real words, and his unpretentious generously handsome figure. You gotta love this man when you watch this movie. *sigh*
I just realised how much he looks like Ahnaf. (I still love you, ok) ♥
*sighs and melts over and over again*
The movie was better than OK, it was very touching, for a normal audience. I am a bit unsatisfied to not see some characters like Ingrid (I'd like to see the visualisation of her) and Mrs. Kim. And I think Gomez looks like a fat person's dick. AND he doesn't smoke. What's up with that? And where's Mark and all the shiz. (I CANT FIND IT ON YOUTUBE ALSO.)
Yeah, but then I ended up crying once they started to talk about Alba. It was damn sad. And then that man has to die like shit. Blah. Fuck life. God if you exist you're a fucking cunt. >_>
Ok, getting too emooooooo. LET'S MOVE ON.
Ahem, as usual, I'm supposed to meet Yvette down at KL because she's gonna watch a movie as well (2012, which sucks, imo, I wasn't looking forward to it AT ALL. The hype of the Arabians aaaapfft.), we hanged around and shiz.
Doing some important stuff, seeing some of her friends.
And something else so important it's beyond important than important. O_O (it's a secret that's not mine to share~) And camwhored.

And walla, we're in Lot 10. And our guts tells us to buy Japanese food!!!!!
I love food. GALORE:

And we go into the food court we've been trying to eat in.
No fuck, seriously, they finally finished renovating the goddamn food court. And it turns out to be a overly designed place that looks like a transparent maze that no one has any idea how to move within it.
Imagine when it's packed customers are gonna be pushy since no one knows where they're going.
But other than that it looks great.
We settled down, and as we waitz fer the foodz we cam whorez again.

Lol! I'm addicted to taking pictures. And since it was dress appropriately... Why not. x)
We parted our ways approx 6.30pm. And I wonder what I should do.
So I called up my boy when we were hanging around doing dsrszbznz, hanged up. And again in borders inside Time Square. He said he'll prolly be free after 7.30? So we agreed we'd meet @ 7.30 at the train station near my house.
I strolled into Starbucks (having too lazy to do anything that requires backbone sitting) and I ordered my Citrus Crush and sat there trying to surf and download stuff from my iPod touch, and for the last 30 minutes I have only been able to browse facebook and Cittagazze.
When it reached 7pm I abandoned that sad little place and go to the train station so I could go home.
I reached @ 7.30pm.
And sat down.
Gave a call. He said he's just showering.
8pm - "I'm in LRT"
8.30pm - "I'm still in LRT"
9.00pm - "The train is arriving in 2 minutes, so that and 2 stations I'll be seeing you"
I can't believe I waited 1 and half hour, LOL. All I did was play Tap Tap Revenge until my fingers are tired, ate an ice cream, and count how much rounds did the jogger circle.
And then my magic man appeared. Dress is long-sleeved black and shorts are his signature, the unshaven face so messed. I'm a high school girl, falling heads over heels upon this man. His charm I can never resist.
Oh god, please don't let him leave me.
We had a wonderful night. It's just a dinner and whatever, but it doesn't matter. We talk about my birthday and stuff about his family, and sex, and many weird questions. Until we bumped into an old co-worker we knew.
Ah. Being with him is all I need and care now!
When I reached home I can't stop thinking of him. He texted me all night long and I stayed up until late (Insomniac by love, how wonderful is that?) and I fell asleep with a smile.
I can never forget that feeling of satisfaction when I woke up and find myself smiling.